Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 3

The top picture is day two of my coil out and the bottom picture is day three. I didn't warp my hair last night :0... just too lazy, and I can definitely tell the difference. My pillow cases aren't silk or satin so that leaves cottom, which reaks havoc on natural hair. I got up this morning and spritz with water and oil. I didn't oil my scalp, oh and I didn't take my vitamins yesterday. The MR is in town so I get a little sidetracked. He loved the style by the way. I am going to see how long I can leave this style up without taking it down! Wish me luck.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hair Pre- Challenge

This is the style I am known for, and that is twists outs! I wear my hair like this 99% of the time! I want this style to be bigger! That is what I am rooting for! The picture on the bottom is my goal length.


I used to be the biggest product junkie, paying careful attention to the list of ingredients but now, I use what works best for me. I probably will pay more attention now that I am focusing on health and growth. If I find a product that works well, I tend to stick with it such as the Isoplus lock and twist molding cream. It leaves my twists out so defined. Now that we have a Sephora here at our local mall that carries Carol's Daughter's products, I will go that route. Typically I, I would order online and have to wait about three weeks before receiving and that became a nuisance.

Week One Challenge

I washed my hair Friday evening and twisted it for a party, however, I didn't like how it turned out so I untwisted it and wore a twist out. I was unhappy with that as well. I am trying to wear a protective style that will keep me from manipulating daily. So, on Sunday, I did comb coils and unraveled them and I love the turnout. My boo loves them too. It just makes my hair look so short, but I am happy with them. I can probably get away with this style for a week. Here are the pics below. I took my vitamins faithfully all weekend as well. The below is a myriad of styles from my weekend. Saturday, I had a headache and didn't feel like fooling with hair, so I threw on a cap.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Biotin 5000 mg
Zinc 800 mg
MSM (don't know dosage)

Redidication to my Naps

July 4, 2010 will be nine years since I decided to go natural. I cut my hair down to two inches on a whim on July 4th and have not looked back. It has been a journey of trial and error, but one in which I've never regretted. I must say going natural is one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in my life. When I first went natural, I depended a lot on nappturality to get me through. I owe it ALL to that website and Dee for creating such an online community of well informed women who were all on journey's of returning back to a place of napturality. This blog is dedicated to me re-dedicating the time, energy and commitment back to my hair that I once had when I first started out. Over the past nine years, my hair has truly been through it. The longest I've allowed it to grow out was approximately six inches. I obtained this length when I decided to start locks and kept the twists in without unraveling them for three months. I had a substantial amount of growth. I made the mistake of coloring my hair when I KNOW my hair can't tolerate chemicals of any kind, no matter how much I deep condition. This has pretty much been consistent throughout my journey. I will obtain the goal length and will lose it all due to coloring. Okay, I colored my hair once again four months ago, I've let that grow out and I am committing NOT to color again. I am going to let my hair grow out as long as it will grow with little or not manipulation. My diet is a mess, and I know that this is important for the health of the hair so I have decided to take some supplemental vitamins to assist me in that area. I am horrible when it comes to conditioning my hair on a regular basis, and my regimen went to strict to non-existent. I let it do what it do, and the result of that hasn't been favorable. So, I am creating this blog to help document my journey starting today.